PowerShell: Repairing SharePoint Content Databases


When you get a warning from SharePoint saying that a database has orphaned content, the message is not the most helpful.

This is an example of health analyser message in SharePoint Central Admin


There is no information on which content database is affected, although you can click on the “Repair Automatically” option but you don’t have any context as to which database is affected. This is going to be a problem if we need to repair the database via a documented change process.

The following process will show you how to identify the item and database that is affected.

Start by running the SharePoint Management Shell.

Get-SPContentDatabase | %{Write-Host $_; $_.Repair($false);}

This will return something like below:-

Database Name 1
<OrphanedObjects Count="0" />
Database Name 2
<OrphanedObjects Count="0" />
Database Name 3
<OrphanedObjects Count="0" />
Database Name 4
<OrphanedObjects Count="0" />
Database Name 4
<OrphanedObjects Count="0" />
Database Name 5
<OrphanedObjects Count="0" />
Database Name 6
<OrphanedObjects Count="0" />
Database Name 7
<OrphanedObjects Count="0" />
Database Name 8
<OrphanedObjects Count="1">
 <Orphan Type="SecurityScope" SiteId="{166BF298-DE66-4919-A506-4F3412E8A86E}"
Name="sites/test/SiteCollectionImages/Forms/Video/docsethomepage.aspx" InRecycleBin="Yes" />

Now we can see that there is some orphaned content in content database “Database Name 8”.

To fix the database, run the following:-

$repairdb = Get-SPContentDatabase -Identity "[Database Name]";

Check that the database is the right one by outputting the $repairdb object.

To repair the database run the following command.

<OrphanedObjects Count="1">
 <Orphan Type="SecurityScope" SiteId="{166BF298-DE66-4919-A506-4F3412E8A86E}"
Name="sites/test/SiteCollectionImages/Forms/Video/docsethomepage.aspx" InRecycleBin="Yes" />

Now let’s check that the corruption is gone by re-running the command

Get-SPContentDatabase | %{Write-Host $_; $_.Repair($false);}

We should see that there are no more corruptions

Now go into Central Admin site and re-run the failed health rule, to resolve the issue.

PowerShell: Getting Sandbox Solutions in a SharePoint Web Application


Like all good SharePoint developers we have been using Sandbox Solutions where we can. Of course one of the problems with Sandbox solutions is that its difficult to find out what you have installed and where.
This is particularly important if you have a Sandbox solution that is used for branding and is installed into a number of site collections.
Therefore I built a script which will retrieve sandbox solutions in a web application.
You can filter which sandbox solutions by the name.
Please fill free to use and modify the script, though make sure you test it before using in Production.
If you do make some enhancement that you think is useful, please let me know as would love to see what additional functionality is useful.

How does the script works

The script is a PowerShell script which works in the following way:
  • The script is run by providing the Url for the Web Application
  • The script will enumerate through all the site collections in the web application and creates an array object which has two properties, SiteCollection and Solution
  • Once all site collections have been enumerated then the array will be outputted.
This way you can use the output for further processing steps. For example, to filter the results for one solution and upgrade the solutions in all the site collections returned.
The script is shown below:

[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Solution Name')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Solution Name')]
[string]$WebApplicationUrl="")$memoryAssignment = Start-SPAssignment;
$numberOfSolutionsFound = 0;
$webApplication = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity $WebApplicationUrl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -AssignmentCollection $memoryAssignment;
if($webApplication -ne $null)
#enumerate through site collections in web application
$allSites = Get-SPSite -WebApplication $webApplication -Limit ALL -Confirm:$false -AssignmentCollection $memoryAssignment;
foreach($checkSite in $allSites)
#Write-Output "Checking Site " $checkSite.Url " for solution " $SolutionName;
if($SolutionName -eq "")
$checkSolutions = Get-SPUserSolution -Site $checkSite -AssignmentCollection $memoryAssignment;
foreach($solution in $checkSolutions)
$output = New-Object -TypeName "System.Object";
Add-Member -InputObject $output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Solution" -Value "";
Add-Member -InputObject $output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SiteCollection" -Value "";
$output.Solution = $solution;
$output.SiteCollection = $checkSite;
Write-Output -InputObject $output;
$checkSolution = Get-SPUserSolution -Identity $SolutionName -Site $checkSite -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -AssignmentCollection $memoryAssignment;
if($checkSolution -ne $null)
$output = New-Object -TypeName "System.Object";
Add-Member -InputObject $output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Solution" -Value "";
Add-Member -InputObject $output -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SiteCollection" -Value "";
$output.Solution = $checkSolution;
$output.SiteCollection = $checkSite;
Write-Output -InputObject $output;
&lt;p style="direction: ltr; margin-top: 0; margin-left: 0; width: 7.5875in;"&gt;Write-Output "Found $numberOfSolutionsFound Instances of Solution $SolutionName";
Stop-SPAssignment $memoryAssignment;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p style="direction: ltr; margin-top: 0; margin-left: 0; width: 7.5875in;"&gt;


How to execute the script

 To execute the script do the following:
  • Logon to SharePoint 2013 server
  • Run the SharePoint Management Shell
    • .\Get-SPUserSolutionInWebApplication -WebApplicationUrl https://sharepoint
    • There is an optional parameter -SolutionName which allows you to only return the solutions with a particular name

The script will output an array of Solution Objects with an associated Site Collection object.

We can assign a value to the output and then do some further processing using that value.

Here is an example of the output from the script without assigning the result to a variable.


To do something more useful then assign the output to a variable. You can then enumerate through the variable array.

For example, the following screenshot shows the output being assigned to a variable $solutions and then it is being enumerated using the following:

$solutions | %{Write-Host $_.Solution.Name “in” $_.SiteCollection.Url}



If you would like to try out the PowerShell script, then you can download the script here:


Please fill free to use and modify the script, though make sure you test it before using in Production.

Also let me know if you find it useful and if you have made some cool changes let me know as always looking for ways to make things better!