Blogo on the Mac

>Since 2008 I have been using a combination of Mac and virtualisation to run Windows on the Mac. Overall its been ok, it always seems to be a little bit tempremental. However over the past few weeks I have been fighting VMWare Fusion and it always showing a blank black screen. The screen comes back if the virtual machine is rebooted but its been driving me mad.

So I haven’t been blogging much and thought I should look at some Mac blogging software. The first one that I am trying is Blogo ( So far so good though it does seem to be missing formatting features. This is especially apparent when trying to layout code snippets. One area which is good though is the spell checker, its already saved me a few times on this post!
Anyway I’ll let you know how I get on. However I think I will be coming back to a Windows laptop soon.

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